Social Lender Digital Financial Services Master Class

Social Lender Digital Financial Services Master Class

Financial Inclusion is at the heart of delivering financial service be it digital or non-digital financial services. To reach the last mile you need a sustainable agency network that can deliver solutions to those who really need these solutions/services. Social Lender is providing the opportunity in its Master class to educate and familiarize agent networks, banks, and other financial institution on how to bring financial services to the unbanked and under-banked, and also provide an aggregation of financial and non-financial institutions to provide services at a lower cost, wider reach and greater convenience to all Nigerians through agency and digital channels, including credits, payments, savings, etc. Social Lender is a Digital Financial Service Fintech startup changing the lives of thousands in Africa (currently operational in 2 Countries – Nigeria & South Africa) by giving them access to formal financial services. It uses an Innovative Model (Social Reputation Scoring) and is available to users that do not have smartphones (using USSD and SMS channels).

Date: 28th of August, 2020.
Venue: online.
Time: 10am-2am
Event Fee: ₦25,000

To make payments and register, kindly visit

About Social Lender
Social Lender is a Digital Financial Service platform that offers solutions based on social reputation on mobile, online and social community platforms.


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