Do you know that your Social Reputation Score determines your Credit Worthiness???

On Social Lender, Access to Micro Credit is simply based on Social Reputation. Social Lender leverages on your Social Reputation as collateral to offer micro-credit. Through your Social Reputation, A Social Reputation score is calculated and this determines if you are qualified to make a cash request. So basically the higher your Social Reputation Score the higher the amount you qualify for

Have you improved your Social Reputation Score???

 Don’t wait till you are in need of a loan before you improve your Social Reputation Score. With a qualifying Social Reputation Score, you can simply send an SMS to Social Lender to get cash in your account within 5 minutes. One of the ways to determine your social reputation is through your Friends, Family & Connections on the Social Lender Platform.

Have you added your Social Referees and Social Guarantors on Social Lender???

By adding friends as your Social Referees and Social Guarantors on Social Lender, You increase your credit worthiness, improve your Social Reputation Score and stand a better chance at getting Quick Cash. Always ensure you notify friends you invite to accept your invitations so they can become your valid Social Referees and Social Guarantor.

Repayment reconciliation issues???
We are aware some of our users have had delayed repayment reconcilation, This has been due to some technical issues and we would like to apologise for this. Moving forward, we will be publishing new ways of making repayment which would be more seamless and enable faster reconciliation of payment.

Disclaimer notice!!!
It has come to our knowledge that some online scammers have been requesting that some individuals make large cash deposits to private accounts to grant loans to them. Social Lender does not  ask users to make cash deposits to any individual’s private account before granting loans to them. Please beware of this type of scam.

Social Lender is mostly automated. However, we are here to help should you encounter any challenges using Social Lender. Do not hesitate to contact us We aim to respond to all messages within 24 hours.



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