#MyVal2019 – Win a Couple’s Dinner Treat to a popular Restaurant in your State

Let the Count down begin!!!!!!

Social Lender is giving you a chance to express yourself and get rewarded for just expressing how you feel in #MyVal2019

Post a picture of you and your #MyVal2019 and write a short loving message about him or her. Get people to like the picture.
The user with the highest likes gets a couple’s dinner treat to a popular restaurant in your state of residence.

Click here to Post your#myVal2019 Entry now. 

Social Lender named Ecobank Fintech Fellow

Developers, programmers and fintech innovators all over Africa are joining forces with Ecobank, the continent’s biggest banking ecosystem to transform finance through technology and innovation.

Ecobank is challenging Africa’s new generation of entrepreneurs to find lasting solutions to the continent’s most pressing banking issues.

Social Lender has been announced as one of the 20 innovators from across the continent.

Social Lender at Seamless Africa Conference, Cape Town

Social Lender Team will be at Seamless Africa Conference holding from the 14th – 15th of March at the Cape Town International Convention Centre.

Bade Adesemowo, Co-founder at Social Lender will be speaking at the Seamless Payments sessions.

The conference seeks to explore the challenges, opportunities and trends that Africa’s leading banks and disruptors have to offer.

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