Basic information about Social Lender: Web Channel in Nigeria

Basic information about Social Lender: Web Channel in Nigeria

Hey, we are bringing you some information about the Social Lender web channel today!

Social Lender is a lending solution based on the Social Reputation that users have built for themselves online, on their various social media platforms.  Quick cash is approved on Social Lender based on your Social Reputation.

This has been put together to answer some of the questions users have had about the Social Lender platform. This post  focuses on the Web Channel which is one of the 7 available channels on Social Lender in Nigeria. Watch out for a similar post about our other channels in the future.

The Dashboard

The Dashboard is where you carry out most of your Operations on Social Lender. Here, your current Social Reputation score is shown, alongside your active cash request and your wallet. Also, the history of your previous cash requests on Social Lender is shown.